My Technical journey and Arth journey so long .
Hello ,Here I would be talking about my technical journey .
My Technical Background Before
7 Months from today , I remember, I was nothing …,I was guy like “ kya he hai yar , sab cazzz hai ” let you know cazzz for me and my friend is a common language to say “sab moh maya hai ”.
Okay ,So let you know from where I changed ..actually something bad happened with me in this Lockdown and those moment pushed me in the phase of thinking and I decided to give a New start and my only priority would be something which doesn’t cheats me back ,and that was knowledge for me .
Thinking and then planning accordingly is the best way to start anything…8th june was the date I started creating plans ,researching about some platform where I could learn something Beneficial .
Introducing myself to the Technology .
I was not familiar with the word Technologies , At that time I was only passionate to learn python and Linux from core basic ,as I only heard about some of the languages and the OS mostly used was Linux ,the idea was simple .One day I was scrolling through Youtube to get some lectures which would be beneficial for me and by there I first came to know About the IIEC RISE channel conducted by Mr Vimal Daga Sir . I was late to join linux and docker training session but fortuntely I got some of the session of Rhel8 basics and Docker whole playlists . It took me almost 15 to 17 days to complete as I was very passionate towards Linux .While learning those concepts from Vimal Daga sir It was an awesome experience .
During that phase of My life Vimal Daga sir was there to give me knowledge ,but there was one more person who stood by me helped me with whatever errors and troubleshooting was there, He is now a good friend of mine ,He is actually the Technical head in Python sessions which is conducted by Vimal daga sir on IIEC RISE channel, Sparsh Pandey ,He was the one who stood by me in solving every problems or error I got .Thankyou so much Sparsh …Because intial phase is the phase where someone always needs a mentor and guide too make a path for you. Very Happy To have you as my friend Cheers bro!
Introduction to Life changing program ie, ARTH — The School Of Technologies
I was going through python lectures Delivered By Vimal Daga sir in IIEc Rise channel .There sir Introduced about Arth _The School of Technologies .At that point of time ..I was like ,I never heard about this technologies . As the Arth lectures was delivered by Mr Vimal Daga Sir itself and Truly I am a great fan of Sir teaching , being very passionate about Technologies lead me to join Arth ,At the very first day of registrations ,I registered for Arth ,It was like a gate to my Dreams .
What changed in me ?
Today I can say ,I know much about technologies and programming languages and how they are used in a company used cases. Many of the Technologies I know from Core… How they work and all and many are still In phase of completion. Arth not even changed my technical Background but also gifted me many precious things which I always wanted .Today what I am is only because of Mr Vimal Daga Sir and some of my good friends who helped me in my hard times .
By Today I actually have completed almost 17 projects/Tasks /Or used cases you can say , and will be working In many other projects as Instructed By sir .
These are some of my feature Projects and Certificates .
I am very Happy to say during these period of Arth ,I met many good friends which worked with me ,Solved each other problems . I would like to take some of the name who is very close to me Kanishka Shakya , Gulsha Chawla and my teammates Hemant Gangwar and Arindam Gupta. There are many more good friends , I would Like to Thank all of you whatever you did for me .This year would be more Great for us .
There was a time When I spent most of the time Thinking about how would I get the job and today is the day I got many oppurtinities .Vimal Daga sir said it right, If you have a right knowledge Companies would come to hire you rather you go to company for jobs opening .I am very Thankful to those who provided me with this .
Now What I Think ..
Before I was like “cazz hai sab” but now What I am “yae karna hai toh aj karlunga” Vimal Daga Sir changed me to this .
This is How now my LinkedIN looks Like
Biggest achievement for me in 2020 .
One of my connection asked me for help as She was appearing for RHCSA Global certification Examination and She was not clear ,actually related to something and I guided her , She appeared for the exam and in first attempt she passed the examination . I know ,I helped her a little but that was my great success ,That moment was I was like “Yar mae itta kaese badal gya ”Literally I was so much happy at that time and was very Thankful to Vimal Daga Sir for the Right Knowledge he provide us .
Planning for 2021
I planned whatever the Technology would be , I would go to very core and would never Stop Learning ,Always keep Sharing and learning .In true words this is where I get peace of my mind .I love sharing and helping people out .
About Vimal Daga Sir
My words are very less to say about World Record Holder Mr Vimal daga sir ,In True Words Vimal Daga Sir is Hero for all of us ,whatever he does there is a reason behind ,No one can do this much alone there is always a root for a Big tree which holds and shapes the tree and in case of Vimal daga sir ,There is Preeti mam .
Words By Vimal Daga sir
“Teaching gives me immense satisfaction and the act of spreading knowledge is very close to my heart. This is what keeps me going”.
Thank you for being a great teacher and mentor. I look up to you so much — I hope one day to have achieved all in my career that you have achieved in yours. Thank you for being a great mentor and teacher. Thank you for motivating me even when I wanted to give up.
I Would like to share one of the quote which is very close to me written by APJ Abdul Kalam .
These are the Best Days of your lives when you are learning to grow wings and learning to fly .