It was an great #Webinar on #28December2020 by Mr. Sreejith Anujan & Mr. Arun Eapen ,Looking forward to have much more session like this!!
It was very informative session , I learnt about
👉What is automation ?
Automation means to reduce manual work as much as possible for smooth and fast process . Automation engine that automates cloud provisioning, configuration management, application deployment, intra-service orchestration, and many other IT needs.
👉How many types Ansible can be used ??
Automation can be used in multiple ways;in development,testing, deploying,configuration management,etc.
👉What is Scaling needed For ??
Scaling is needed so that if our node goes down due to any reason another other node remains there to manage the workload in that meantime ,One more Node is launched .
👉What are the ansible Tower Challenges?
Ansible Tower solve challenges of:
🔴Maintaining Workflow(Always run Ansible playbooks one after other)
🔴Run Playbook based on permission by admin (allow/deny)
🔴Integration of Ansible with any other technology (If any technology not supported ,We can integrate after changing the python Virtual Environment)
👉What is Job template ?
Job template is a feature in Ansible Tower to run multiple playbooks simultaneously.
👉How can we create Credentials ??
We can create credentials by choosing Credential Type(AWS,Github,etc.)
👉What all features we can achieve in Ansible Tower?
In Ansible Tower, We have bell icon to set notifications on some of the task and can choose template that can do tasks on Cloud and choose Credential by creating Credentials(after choosing Credential Type option)
In case we don’t have option to create credential of desired technology ,So we can create it also by creating credential type of that technology.
The Session was very Helpful for me Got a Exact Idea , How Ansible can be used in different ways in an Industry used case .
Thankyou So much LinuxWorld and Mr.Vimal Daga sir for Conducting this Beautiful Session.